Ok, you've covered the big 4, stocking water, food, amenities and you've created a list of likely situations that will affect you and started preparing for them, now what? If you haven't already, now is the time to go beyond stocking and learn how to purify your own water, grow, find and kill your own food and find alternatives for a amenities.
Gaining the knowledge and developing the skills necessary is really the gist of almost everything else in survival and preparedness. The amount of things you can learn and skills you choose to develop are literally endless, and that's daunting to many n00bs to survival prep. In fact, it's the focus on these things that people inevitably overwhelm themselves and think it's impossible to be ready. I plan on going into this crazy bucket of skills as best I can and having others help write articles to populate this blog with that info, but it's important to be realistic.
Gaining the knowledge and developing the skills necessary is really the gist of almost everything else in survival and preparedness. The amount of things you can learn and skills you choose to develop are literally endless, and that's daunting to many n00bs to survival prep. In fact, it's the focus on these things that people inevitably overwhelm themselves and think it's impossible to be ready. I plan on going into this crazy bucket of skills as best I can and having others help write articles to populate this blog with that info, but it's important to be realistic.
Starting with the next blog post, this blog will take a direction that focuses almost exclusively on knowledge and skills because outside those 4 basic building steps we introduced with stocking, everything else is about knowledge and practice. For example, you can spend all the money you want on an amazing gun, but if you don't know much about it, how it works, how to fix it in a jam, how to maintain it, what it's most practical applications are, and how to shoot it indoors effectively versuses outdoors effectively, you're more dangerous to yourself than anyone you might use it against. There's an old adage, 'Fear the man with one gun'. It refers to the idea that he is so familiar with his gun that it's second nature to him. But, you can apply this thought to all major skill-sets.
So, starting now, I will put out an open invitation to any contributors who would like to help develop this blog. If you have an area of expertise and you would like to share that knowledge, please feel free to write an article about it and send it to me. I'll post the article here with you as the contributor, attribute it to you and your website if you have one, and if you become a regular contributor, provide you with free advertising space on this page.